Cliff Aliperti is from Long Island, NY, where he still resides with his ten aquariums and keyboard. Cliff has written forever and has even been read for quite awhile, thanks to his classic film and collectible website Immortal Ephemera. Fiction writing came first (chicken or the egg?), but other than a prose poem in a mid-90s edition of his college’s journal (Great Lake Review), it’s been a looong journey to the lit mags. Around the turn-of-the-century Cliff was paid pretty well for a few magazine pieces (in now defunct Small Business and Aquarium magazines), but transitioned to writing about classic film and old-time movies stars on his own site Immortal Ephemera (formerly things-and-other-stuff.com, yech!), established 2002.
In 2015, Cliff published Helen Twelvetrees, Perfect Ingenue, the first full-length biography of the Golden Age film star. That project was large in scope, took years to finish, and reawakened Cliff’s love of long form storytelling. He resumed writing fiction and incorporated his research skills into a first novel (actually his third such effort), a historical piece set between 1882-1905, that’s in a drawer gathering dust at the moment. In the meantime he’s honing his craft in writing shorter fiction, and a few of these have been accepted for publication by various literary journals (here’s a list). At the time of this writing, Cliff has completed a later draft of yet another novel, which he hopes to begin the query process with soon.
This is a work-in-progress. Cliff plans to continue writing and so he hopes to continue updating this site with new news.