My story “Fifty-three” appears on The Rye Whiskey Review, November 29, 2024. It’s free to read over there, but here’s the very open if you want a quick taste:
I wrote this one earlier this year and had sent it out to a couple of places before I happened upon The Rye Whiskey Review. When I found them, I saw that Editor-in-Chief John Patrick Robbins has been publishing approximately 25-30 new poems and stories to the site regularly since mid-2018. Good sign. Then I clicked over to his submissions page and immediately thought of “Fifty-three” upon reading the first line of John’s guidelines: “We are looking for all things barroom.” Welp, “Fifty-three” is the most barroom story I’ve ever written! And here it is, over at at The Rye Whiskey Review. Thanks for taking time to read it!